Plataforma de Cambios y Devoluciones
To return an order, you will have to enter our Exchange and Returns Platform and complete the process until the pick-up is scheduled (step No. 6). After that, you will receive the entire status of the return via email. This return method is automatic and autonomous, so you will not have the intervention of our team. In case of doubt, please contact us here.
Platform in Portuguese
Platform in Spanish
Platform in English
Platform in French
Important notes:
- We do not return orders over 30 business days from the date of invoice issue.
- If you decide to send us an item back, whether you are exchanging or returning, without first contacting us, you will be 100% responsible for all fees, damages or possible loses.
- The exchange process can take between 3-7 working days and the refund process up to 20 working days (in the months of November, December, January, July and August these deadlines can be changed up to 15 working days for exchanges and 40 working days for refunds).